16 Tips to Fall Asleep Faster

If you ever lay in bed staring at the ceiling, you're not alone. Sometimes it's hard to turn off your brain after a long day or the night before a big meeting or event. We've got your back—here are some of our favorite strategies to help you get to sleep faster so you can get the R&R you need.

1. Make sure your room's temperature is ideal for sleep.

The best temperature for sleep is 66-70 degrees.

2. Wear comfy, light clothing.

Nothing is worse than being hot while you sleep. Try light, cotton fabrics that aren't tight to your body for your best rest.

3. Beware of caffeine before bed.

You should limit your caffeine before bed. Too much caffeine may keep you from falling asleep (and staying asleep!). Caffeine impacts everyone differently, so if you can't have coffee after 1 p.m., then don't! It's not worth losing sleep over.

How Caffeine Impacts Your Sleep Scale

4. Make sure you're getting enough exercise.

That may sound funny but it's important to exercise your muscles regularly to get your best sleep. Check out some of our favorite activities to do to sleep better at night. >>

5. Ban (or at least limit) screen time.

If you can, you should ban electronics in the bedroom. The blue light that electronics emit keep your brain active, which you don't want at bed time. Banning electronics an hour or so before bed is a good habit to get into.

6. Read a book before bed.

An actual, physical paper book is best for some reading before you go to sleep. It helps relax your mind and the story can help distract your brain from any stress or anxiety.

6. Journal your thoughts and concerns.

This may sound silly, but if you get your concerns out of your brain, it may help you get better rest. Alternatively, you can talk through problems or stressors with a partner or friend. Just set a time limit, so that your entire night is not consumed by it.

7. Avoid alcohol before bed.

Some people enjoy a "night cap," but that late night drink could actually be negatively impacting your rest. (Psst! It's also important to stay hydrated during the day. That way, your body has the fuel it needs to recover while you sleep.)

8. Try playing white noise.

Use a white noise machine. The constant, steady noise can help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep by masking any outside noises or distractions like a car outside or your partner snoring.

9. Have the right lighting.

Dim the lights a few hours before bed to start to trigger your body to produce melatonin. Melatonin is the natural hormone your brain releases that tells your body it's time for sleep.

10. Make sure it's completely dark in your room.

Even the light from a clock or light from the hallway under the door can keep you awake. It goes back to melatonin production and light can keep your body from producing the right amount to help you sleep.

11. Take 4-7-8 breaths.

Try taking “Relaxing Breaths," also known as the 4-7-8 exercise. Breathe in through your nose for four slow counts, hold your breath for seven, then slowly breathe out through your mouth for eight. This breathing pattern has the power to lower stress hormones and blood pressure (it’s sometimes referred to as a natural tranquilizer).

12. Flip your pillow to the cool side.

Simple, but it works! Being too hot can keep you from falling and staying asleep. Want the ultimate cooling pillow experience? Check out our Hybrid pillow, made with cooling fibers and a cooling gel side to keep you cool while you snooze.

13. Get the right pillow.

Make sure you have the right pillow for your sleeping position. A side sleeper needs a little more support from their pillow than a stomach sleeper does.

14. Find the right sleeping position for you.

If you sleep on your back, try a towel under your knees. Or, if you're a side sleeper, tuck a pillow between your legs. Did you know that the sleep position you prefer may say a lot about your personality. Read all about it, here, >>

15. Meditate or do yoga.

Try nighttime meditation or a short yoga practice before bed.

16. Create a sleep schedule (and stick to it!).

If you aim for the same bed time and same wake time every day, it can help you fall asleep faster and get better quality sleep.

For more sleep tips and tricks, visit our blog.

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